Daddy Lover God book cover by Don Shewey

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A Sacred Intimate Journey



What is sexual healing, besides being the name of Marvin Gaye’s last great record?

The goal of sacred intimacy is to facilitate self-knowledge through erotic pleasure. Sacred intimates approach sexuality with the understanding that it’s related to spirituality. They help people identify, embrace, and practice desire as holy, to see sexual embodiment as an expression of the soul. They hold the body as sacred and view erotic energy as a crucial component of human life and spiritual health. Their primary intention is that of healing — not just addressing the wounds to the spirit and the flesh caused by sexual abuse, addiction, or disease but also acknowledging that the fun and the pleasure, the vitality and the divine mystery of sex have nourishing properties in and of themselves.

Inspired by the visionary teachings of Joseph Kramer and the Body Electric School, Don Shewey shares his journey of building a sacred intimate practice and cultivating the capacity to treat each client as a combination of Daddy, lover, and God. This unvarnished account of his unfolding discoveries will be both illuminating and validating to past, present, and future practitioners, to seekers of sexual healing, or simply to sentient beings with an interest in the varieties of human sexual experience.

Daddy Lover God: a sacred intimate journey by Don Shewey

Publication date: June 27, 2023
Paperback, $20.00, 978-1-7321344-3-0
E-book, $4.99, 978-1-7321344-4-7
402 pages

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